

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 95

This was sent by our beloved New Mission Secretary Elder Evans

Dear Huntington Beach California Stake,

One of our fine missionaries from your stake, Elder Collin Joseph Terry, will complete his mission on 27 March, 2019, with an honorable release and will be returning home. According to his proposed itinerary, he is scheduled to arrive in John Wayne on flight DL 5729 on March 27th at 4:02pm local time. 

Elder Terry has rendered faithful service and has achieved substantial personal growth. His willingness to learn and the effort he has put forth for the growth of the Kingdom have been an inspiration to both members and missionaries alike. He has served in various areas and assignments where he has made a tremendous and is now serving as a Trainer. In these areas of increased responsibility, he has served faithfully, performed his duties well, and rendered valuable service. It has been a pleasure laboring with him in the Philippines Urdaneta Mission. 

The time is at hand.

It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm old in the mission, but I am.

Last P-day we went to see the ocean for the first time in Elder Collin's life. I feel bad for people who live in the Mid West.
He took this great pic though of this fisherman
This P-day we went to Bani falls and met up with our boys
Last Friday was also Elder Collin's B-Day so we had a lot of hard work and "Appointments" this week. This was a great lesson with the Magto Family. hahaha
"Missionary work IS Missionary fun"

Love you all

Elder Terry

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Week 94

Hello Friends and Family,

I am very happy to write you again this amazing week. This week was particularly exciting due to the ground breaking of the Urdaneta Temple which we watched in our stake centers. The temple was announced back in 2010 and finally happened this week almost 9 years later. Elder Holland, the Philippines area presidency, and many other high up visitors such as mayors and government officials came to witness the event both members and non members. It was an honor to be here. Holland especially talked about the amazing history of the Philippines!! He talked about how there are around a million members and over 100 stakes in the Philippines and for us to understand how fast the work is here in this country he made 2 people in the congregation stand. First he had stand up the first missionary to ever serve in the Philippines who served around the 1960's and second he made stand the very first stake president, temple president, and area seventy. Both of them still alive and well.
Hearing this amazing news just got me excited to be apart of this amazing history.
So mater where we need to go we will find a way
and enjoy ourselves along the way. 😁
I got my package! The beef jerky was the best and I am pretty sure that is Allison on the cover of the wubble
Last 2 months

Love, Elder Terry

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 93

Hello Friends and Family.

This week was literally the best filled with lots of great memories and adventures and I am just so happy to be here and work as a missionary. As most of you know Missionary work is hard, but I can say it doesn't feel like work at all and the week just goes by so fast because of all the great things we get to do.

On Saturday we had a baptism for these amazing people and seeing them enter into the waters of baptism was just a great blessing.
We had Zone Interviews this week and on Elder Ramos' Birthday HE made chicken Adobe for us. He is very sweet. We had some visitors as well. (Sister Espinosa, Elder Nielson, and Elder Stevys)

Don't worry later that night we bought Elder Ramos a cake and had an FHE at our Investigator's house.
We had 3 Community Service Projects this week and one of them was fixing the electricity in someone's house. Good thing Elder Collins and Elder Tay Tay know what their doing cause I had no clue. haha

The other Service projects we did consisted of clearing a school classrooms from remodeling and cutting down an over grown bamboo tree and planting new ones.
Earlier this morning we woke up at 5 am to go hiking. It was way fun because a ton of the youth and single adults from our branch wanted to come and we had a blasts exploring huge caves.
There were so many more pics from this week, and I would love to share everything with you, but every P-day at around 3 we have members and a lot of non-members as well come over the the church to play volleyball with us, so I will just have to write more next week.

Sending Love to you all

-Elder Terry

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Week 92

Hello I am back mga mahal ko. I am happy again to be here and write about this great week in Alaminos.

I realized last week I didn't give too much info so I will try to update you more this week and the stuff that went on here

Here is a pic of the house that we live in. It is only a 2 minute walk from the church and city and it is PINK. Random people we meet on the street refer to us as the guys from the pink house which is kind of weird.
We were in a trio this whole week with Elder Ramos being our addition, the cuteiest , sweetiest, and shortiest filipino guy in the world and is going to train a new guy named, Elder Taylor.
We are having a great time here together burning trash together, zapping bugs, lizards, and each other, and saving goats lives.
Elder Ramos saved their lives
If you have any more questions you would like to know just let me know and I will be sure to write more about it next week.


Elder Terry