

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Week 73

Hello Friends and Family

This week

I was pleased to have an opportunity to hang out with Elder Schmutz of the Seventy and he sent this email to my parents. (Down Below)
Dear Brother and Sister Terry,

I had a most enjoyable interview with your son, Elder Terry, during our recent tour of the Urdaneta Mission.  Elder Terry has had a wonderful mission and is now approaching the last eight or nine months of his service.  He is a fine young man and an outstanding missionary.  You can be very proud of him, as he has served with love and devotion.

I thought you might enjoy this photo of your son. 

Thank you for raising such a good young man.  His mission has changed his life for the better.  (But as you can see, he still has his personality).

With appreciation,

Elder Evan A. Schmutz

But other than that we have had a lot of work outside.

We walked down this one super long alley way just because we felt like it and we found a ton of part member families and it was cool looking and the people were really sweet and open.
I'm fragile
How I feel in the office
Food of the week: SNAIL

Bye bye

Elder Terry

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Week 72

Our Investigators Elwin(left) and Anton(right) was baptized last week and I finally got the pics
They now both have the Aaronic priesthood and plan to bless the Sacrament this Sunday. Huge blessing.
My first day here in Urdaneta Mission I taught my first lesson in this very room and Nanay Omo(in white standing up) just remembers me from getting sick because they feed me a bunch of Ube and that I could not speak Tagalog at all. haha
I am in the back because Elder Llorico is way more gwapo than me so I am basically invisible to Investigators.
The members here are way sweet and work with us so we buy them food and stuff.

Here are some other pictures some members took and forwarded to my parents

Mission SecreTERRY update: I am still in training so I am actually still working in Urdaneta 3rd ward with Elder Llorico and we are still the Zone Leaders as of right now, but that won't be for too long.

TBH I don't know why I was called to this position as Mission Secretary, but I have learned so many life skills in the past couple weeks that will probably help me in the long run, so that will be cool.

Love Elder Terry

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Week 71 - Mission SecreTerry

Hi friends and fam it's is a pleasure to email y'all again this week.

The only news I got is that I have officially been called as mission secretary, which means I will now be doing responsibilities such as.

Emailing back the worried parents

Booking all the flights and buses for in-coming and out-coming missionaries

Paper work, computer work, future missionary work (stress)

Making programs and planning activities

and much more.

The benefits is I am in the air conditioned mission office (I still am proselyting from 5P.M. till 9P.M.), I get to drive a car which is air conditioned, I have to go to air conditioned malls to buy things all the time, and the House I am living in is the biggest house in the whole mission and it is....air conditioned.

I will for sure get super white

This is my office
I'm kind of a big deal
Here is P Diddy, Ariana Grande, and I shoppin' it up

Peace out

Love Elder Terry

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Week 70

So I moved to another house because our house keep flooding and through all that mess I lost my camera charger so I have no pictures. I'll just send the pics that got sent to me and figure it out later haha, but we had a musical fireside, a baptism, I will get a new companion, and a lot more happened this week. Sorry

This was a while ago, but i'll shout the Esparcia Family out for being awesome members.
 The floods are slowly going away here in the mission.
 The water is actually coming from my tears b/c I miss Chipotle.
 The boots literally didn't even help
 Someone also sent me this so...

Thanks fams

Love, Elder Terry