

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week 51

Hello friends and family it is good to be here and write you again this week. I love and miss you all and I feel your prayers and Love.

It has been another good week filled with more amazing stories and huge success as as a companionship and district.

One cool story is a continuation of last weeks story about sister Decena(not her real name) because we went back to her this week and she said the night after we taught her she couldn't sleep so at about 2 AM in the morning she opened the Book of Mormon that we just gave her and she open to a random page and pointed at Alma 13:13 which literally talks about humbling yourself repenting and the pain and sorrow will go away. In tears she said now is the time for me to come back and we sat next to her and her child at sacrament meeting along with our other investigators. YEEEESSSSSS

This success feels SOOO GREAT and I know understand it really all just comes from the Lord and his will.

We are the Gwapos
Our apartment is so so so so so nice and we sleep in air con every night
We decided to make Jello in our baptismal font
Our Church is pretty and pretty big with attendance at 120 people
This is how you bless a Nanay(no joke)

Great Great Week

Elder Terry

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week 50

So as I said last week Elder Leones and I are opening an area which means we both have no idea what we are doing in the area just kind of winging it as we go, but when I say winging it I really mean we are following these promptings.

These small little promptings of turning that corner or going down that alley way or going to certain areas have turned into some of the biggest success stories of this week. We are just finding and finding more more Elect or Golden people who are ready for the gospel now just because we are following the will of the Lord.

This one time Elder Leones and I walked out of an appointment and both said basically at the same time "WE NEED TO GO BACK WHERE WE CAME FROM" This revelation that we simultaneously felt led us down the exact alley way that we needed and we found a woman named Decena. Decena has been living in our area for 8 years now and used to be a relief society president before she moved. Because her Husband was not a member she felt no urge to come back to church, but after we found her and taught her we committed her to come to church and start over again. We are now teaching their whole family.

If you are worthy then you really are just following the "Divine Design"

This was no joke my Birday cake
Me chillin in my room which has AIR CON
The pictures are having some technical difficulties so this is it for now.
My birthday was a pretty normal day and I completely forgot till some members from my last area went to my new ward to say Happy Birthday and I had a dinner at the members house and they gave some Bangus fish as dessert so yeah. THANK YOU ALL for you love and support and birthday wishes.

Elder Terry is out

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Week 49 - Transfer to Lingayen

This is me sadly teaching my last lesson in Dagupan to some upcoming baptisms and recent converts who had no idea I was leaving just an hour later.
Me saying goodbye to my very very long term companion Elder Obias who is also transferring later this week and becoming a zone leader. Shout out to him for being not the worst guy in the world.
Some people picked me up and took me to Lingayen the city right next to Dagupan almost just as big. My first day there the bishop of the zone leaders ward took us to a fancy restaurant called Kalesa which was an unlimited buffet so, so far I have no complaints here.
Elder Stott the tall white guy is the Zone Leader here and also is in our house, but he has no companion yet so he has been working with us in our newly opened area.
Elder Leones is my new companion here in Lingayen first ward in a place called Baay. He was just stepped down as Zone Leader and was companions with Elder Stott, but he transferred over to the next room over from ward 3 to ward 1. He actually only has one transfer left and we already have big plans ahead of us for his last stretch of the race.
My Tagalog is fine. I just don't understand the really big words sometimes. My new companion is waaaaaaaay good at teaching so I'm pretty stoked and he was my zone leader in my first area so we're pretty tight. A lot happened this week and I am excited to keep working and make more stories. I will keep you updated but for now till next week.

Last pic...showing off the Christmas present from mom.
Elder Terry

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week 48

This week was filled with not as many lessons as we should because we had a cool activity about the Book of Mormon. We would go to random areas with basketball courts and we hung a giant 11 by 8 ft poster of the Book of Mormon cover and we just ran around opening our mouths and talking about the Book. Near the big poster us missionaries would line up and with tables and printed out pages of the BOM to share to them and answer questions of the soul.

To be honest the activity was way difficult trying to deal with the kids and trying to teach with lots of noise, but it was very, very successful. We got to share more about the Keystone of our Religion to other people and the people got to actual see inside the pages and getting them to read it was powerful enough in itself to make all the struggles worth it.

I truly have a testimony of The Book Of Mormon and I challenge you all to read it to know the truthfulness and this church and to of course come closer unto Christ and there are way cool stories in it as well. Blessed to be a missionary and teach the truth.

Sadly no pics of the activity bc I forgot....but here

Our Stake Conference last week
Me emailing right now with my long term companion Elder Obias.
Elder Fuller and Elder Bermudo my Zone Leaders
Elder Amone my Tatay goes home this week and I will miss him so much. Shout out to the big guy. This is us eating with president and sister Deyro at a way cool restaurant.

This is all

Elder Terry