

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week 42

Hello po mga kaptid

This week was super super busy which means it was great. we actually don't have enough time to teach everyone to keep up with them so this upcoming week our goal is to really just teach short and powerful lessons.

This week we worked with our Zone leaders Elder Reinen, my boy from Texas, and Elder Bermudo, who is the most humble guy I have ever met, and the both taught me to stay humble and confident even when nobody wants to talk to you. With Elder Bermudo I learned how to stay super happy and spirit filled in the lessons because we went so fast and taught so many effective lessons in such a short amount of time.

One lesson we went to we taught this week was so great because our investigator is so great and has been prepared. He went to church before we even taught him he has no Word of Wisdom problems and he just wants to learn more and marry a great girl and serve God. We of course taught that we have a father in heaven and through his plan your family will be blessed. We taught how the plan of god comes though prophets, but Christs church apostatized because of the wickedness of the people, but through Joseph Smith the church of Jesus Christ was RESTORED and we then invited him to pray to ask if Joseph Smith is really a prophet of God and through the Holy Ghost he received his answer and now he's willing to do anything to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Philippines missions have got to be some of the best missions because literally everyone believes in Jesus Christ and wants to come closer to him.

Glad to be a representative of this true church
Elder Bermudo and I on our way to work (and the other guy)
The other side of Heaven
I got new pants and ties
Elder Obias is always in sight and sound

Mahal ko kayong lahat

Elder Terry

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