

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 56 - Senior/Trainer

Hello friends and family

This week was quite the adventure.

On Monday while working I stepped on a giant cow turd and my shoes have giant holes on the bottom of them soooooooooooooo I burned the socks later that night!
I had no companion this week so I got to work in Bollinao with Elder Russel who just sent home his companion in the mission and is about to train. Their area is at the tip of Pangasinan and has a way cool island.
This is where they baptize because they have no font.
The closest I'll have to surfing for the next year.
This is the nose of a shark that some Investigators gave me and it's so sharp it cut my hand and can easily sand wood.
Also good news!!!! For the first time in my whole mission I am with someone who is younger than me in the mission. He is actually brand new which means I am in charge of training him and keeping him obedient and stuff. I am in the same area in Lingayen in a barangay called Baay. Elder Davad is from anti polo and I laugh and say that he's not allowed to wear polo shirts. It's like right by manila. He's kind of an awkward shy guy so I guess it's good I am training him because I have no problem with that. He's into like cars and stuff and I know nothing about cars but he's awesome kind and humble so no problems at all. He is also good at English.
Over all a way tiring, but awesome week here in the Philippines.

Elder Terry

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